Your prices are very low, are your items authentic brand names?
Yes, all of our tools at Workshop Tools are authentic brand name tools. All of our tools come straight from the manufacturer. We do not sell any knock-off or replica tools.

When will my order ship out?
Orders usually ship out within 24 hours of placing the order, but no longer than 48 hours unless notified.

I saw a product in your store, but can’t find it on the website?
Due to our inventory constantly changing, we do not put every item we carry on our website. If you are having a hard time finding an item you saw in our store, give us a call and we’ll be happy to help you.

Where do I register my knife sharpener?
Check the brand of your knife sharpener; you are likely on the wrong site due to a slight spelling difference. We do not register knife sharpeners.

I see the brand of tool I’m looking for, but not the exact model I’m wanting.
Call us to see if we have it, as we do not put every single item on our website.

Which flag pole section do I need?
Our bottom section is a straight piece with no tapered ends, the next section up has one tapered end with two holes to mount the cleat, the next section up has no holes and one tapered end, the top section also has no holes and one tapered end. If you are adding sections to increase the height of your flag pole we recommend adding the top sections to your assembly.

Are our tools new or reconditioned?
Our tools are brand new unless noted in the title. Most everything in stock is new. We only carry a handful of reconditioned items at certain times throughout the year.

How many locations do you have?
We have 3 locations all located in East Tennessee.
1) 2656 Teaster Lane Pigeon Forge TN, 37863
2 )2708 Teaster Lane Pigeon Forge TN, 37863
3) 105 Knife Works Lane Seveirville TN, 37876

Do you really offer free shipping on all orders of driver and router bits?
Yes! We offer free shipping on all orders that contain only driver and/or router bits. If your order contains more items than those categories, you only pay for whatever shipping would be for that item(s).

I have bought and in store gift card. Why is it not working on the website?
This feature is a little tricky to get ironed out on the website. However, you can call in with your order and we can process it that way.

Where's that grouchy old man?
Unfortunately, Steve has passed away. He is missed.

I have a return. How long will it take to get my money back?
This is largely dependent on both our bank and yours. It is typically between 3-5 business days.

I had an order cancelled before it was processed. Why is my money still pending?
We do not actually take any money until the order has been processed and shipped. This is usually on your banks side holding the money.